InterHASHional News
Published and copyright by:
Stray Dog, GM/Editor for
World Harrier Organization
Global Publications and Software
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
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To post news to this feed for anything harrier related you think might be of interest to the entire harrier world, email the editor at gm[at] subject: Harrier News Submission (500 words or less). Please, no spam, local or regional event news unless it rises to the level of "man bites dog". Use the events page for those posts or for event writeups and longer material, send to the editor under subject: Global Trash Submission and it may make it into the next edition of GT or InterHASHional News. Writeups do better with photos, so attach to the email (one photo only for news feed and six or less of your best (hopefully trail shots or full gathering shots) for GT or IHN.

®InterHASHional News &
®World Harrier Organization
and their logo are trademark
and website copyright
by Global Publications & Software
formerly Global Trash
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Global Publications and Software

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What do you get? Proceeds are used to support our websites and other charities supported by WHO. *Includes premium access to website, Global Trash Magazine and InterHASHional News online and mailed to you hard copy to your address, as well any premium benefits for your Harrier Mates website for more space and more when these benefits become available again. Everyone gets a Goody Bag consisting of ON ON feet and/or other decals, ON ON whistles and/or other surprises depend on the length of your premium membership.

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