We look forward to your comments about the website and please let us know of any bugs you may see, as the pages are in constant revision and we cannot catch everything. It has been many years since construction of the pages resumed after several hacks and attacks destroying our data, but we hope to have most of what you used to see here back up by the end of Summer 2020. After a break out of frustration due to damaged data, I am now bringing it all back.
If you forget your log in, just send a request by email using the email you have on file or give as much info about you as possible. For security reasons, this is done manually. We also look forward to your humor, letters, news and articles.
Please keep any emails friendly and constructive. Please do not add this email address to any contact list or email list. Thanks, we get too much spam already.
Cheers and On On!
Stray Dog